I will admit I am new to this one, but what a lucky S.O.B. I am to walk away from my first formal with this picture. There was a lot of pressure going to a formal with a good friend; needed to look good while keeping my title of, "that friend we have who is really into fashion."
I try not to panic, but I admit I did a little trying to figure out what to wear. Thankfully my date for the night had a request, a white shirt. ALRIGHT, that I can work with. However she didn't really say she wanted a white shirt, she sent me a picture of Ashton Kutcher and said "umm, look like this."
After trying on every combination of tie, suit, vest, blazer I own and Google imaging till my eyes bled, I pulled this outfit together. Here's a breakdown:

Shoes | Aldo black ankle boots - $115
Pants | Black Volcom dress pants (tailored skinny) - $75
Belt | Express - $35
Shirt | Express MX2 (love a good MX2 shirt) - $30 to $55
Coat | J. Ferrar suit coat - $120
Watch | Nameless, refer to this swag on post of everyday swagger
Big risk rocking up tie-less to a sorority formal where everyone (nearly anyway) is in full suit and tie. I knew my date was going to wear bright colors (God I love Spring and sundress season) and look like a million bucks. My job, don't draw to much attention to yourself and wear colors that look good and will almost never clash with your date's dress; black on white on light grey pinstripes.
Not sure how I pulled it off honestly. It doesn't hurt to have a picture with absolute stunners in it to distract you but A: Men don't crop out people from photos and B: They rocked totally different style dresses; one light and springy, the other dark and classy. Both looked amazing, neither clashed with what I had on. #bi-winning
I got lucky this round, so lets learn, look forward to sundress season, and swagg on