Alright, I've been very optimistic with this blog and have mostly posted
what to do without acknowledging a few things
not to do. Now I'm a huge fan of A: keeping a good attitude and B: knowing that certain items or styles you wear regularly may not be up to date fashion wise, but can still look good on you. What I find some people doing when they venture into the world of swag is going for the latest and greatest, and not everyone can rock the latest trends. Let's Begin.
The Oversized Military Boot
Surprisingly I have some female readers, so here you go
Sorry to break it you, but you don't look like this. Even if you did look like this, there's about a million better ways to dress than this one. How this became an acceptable trend I have no idea but it's already on it's way out that god. Know how a cork wedge just makes a woman's legs look 10 miles long? I know you do and it's pretty amazing. Combat boots are the anti-wedge. You'll look shorter, less put together, and unless your getting paid some serious Benjamin's on a photo shoot, you'll like like an idiot. Avoid at all costs and instead check out this man's danger for inspiration.
Nick Wooster | The Steeziest Man Alive |
Men's Flared JeansYou probably aren't aware of it, but as a rebuttal to the skinny jean the fashion industry decided that, can't believe I'm saying this, men's flare jeans are now in style. I don' think I need to explain to you how wrong this is. You probably aren't ready for a wardrobe full of skinnies, but wear straight cut or if you really need to boot cut jeans and pants, make sure the crotch falls wear your crotch is and not wear your knees are, and we will get along just fine.
Keep the flare where it belongs, over the
heels of a long-legged woman. |
The Biker Look
Before you go judging, let me just say that James Dean will always be a fashion icon of mine. That being said, you should probably avoid trying to look like him because most of us simply don't. Even if you do ride a motorcycle (which, ahem, I do ladies) you probably don't rock it with the same swagger Dean did. My issue with the motorcycle look is that it requires commitment from your wardrobe that few have. As a result you end up wearing whatever you would normally wear, with a leather jacket you found on sale somewhere thinking, "Well, this is a cool coat, I will by default look cool in it." The truth is you don't. You probably look younger than you actually are, and unless that coat was on sale from $3000 down to $800, that jacket probably looks cheap. Save yourself the trouble, buy a framed quality print of the Rebel Without a Cause and buy a motorcycle to fulfill your dreams, just forget the chains and leather.
On or off the bike, the man gets the job done. |
Hopefully this helped some of you that walk into All Saints on Newbury St. and think, "Hey this is cool!" It might be, but don't wear something just because it is "in" or even worse because it looks good on the rack. Adapt fashion to fit you, not the other way around.
As guys we tend to buy things straight from the rack instead of going to the fitting room. Don't be afraid to rock up to that cute girl at the counter and say, "Yeah, I have about 12 things to try on is that OK with you sweets? I'm looking for a new outfit so you might have to help me out." She doesn't care that the limit is 5, she'll let you right on in with 12 and get your Swag On.
Err on the side of danger, learn from those with steez, and remember it's Springtime...that means if you want to catch the attention of a girl in a fine cork wedge, you better expand your wardrobe to some light colors and linens.
Swag On people, Swag On.